Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hippo say 'don't go hungry.'

Hello, hello, Hellllooo! :) 

I am chilling out here at my round table drinking some coffee and about to eat some hippo snacks.  Hippo snacks are this sorta new thing in India.  They taste like croutons and they have the most strangest flavors.  All of my friends have tried them and said they taste weird...BUT ITS A LIE!  They taste awesome...I've had only one falvor so far - Italian Pizza.

Whoops, it's upside-down.  Ohwell, that's your problem.  You can solve this problem by either turning your computer upsidedown or doing a hand stand.  Yeah...sorry guys. 

 I would be eating them right now, but I don't want to get crumbs all over the keyboard.  The bag calls them "baked munchies."  Hahahhaa.  The best part about these munchies is reading the back.  On the bag there is a hippo and on the back he tells you why you need to eat these baked munchies.
This is what it says...

me hippo.
Hippo makes lots of hippo delicious baked munchies for eveyrone.

Hippo feel bad you work, work, work
and not eat on time.  HIppo like you
keep Hippo munchies handy.

Look hippo care for you.  Hippo say,
'don't go hungry.'

Hippo think hungry peopel less
happy.  Hungry people more fight.

HIppo believe world will be better place if nobody hungry.
So, Hippo try."

It's hilarious.  Everytime I buy a bag of hippo snacks I always read the back (outloud).  It is so funny.  I have a small pack right now, but with a big pack it's even more hilarious.  more hilarious is not correct grammar, but I will still use it in this case.  The hippo talks about how since you have a big pack you should share and make everyone happy.  Erin Tabor once saw a truck that was talking about how India no have naitonal snack so hippo give you this.  She texted me what it said and I was like YES!  GO hippo. all the way.  I have yet to see a hippo truck, but I can't wait.  Anyways...hippo munchies are the stop reading my blog...get off your bottom...and go outside and go buy some hippo snacks...

1 comment:

  1. Yummy Hippo Snacks!
    Pizza & Manchurian are my favorites :)
    Yum! :)
