Thursday, May 27, 2010

High Urban Trekkers

So, I haven't been able to update this blog in a while.  I am so sorry, but that is okay, BECAUSE...TODAY!...i finished school.  And it feels so good to be done.  I feel like I could do anything I want to.  I guess that's because I can.  What a great feeling.  Hahahaha.  I haven't talked about this on my blog, but I actually have an organization.  Connor and I have been running it a while, but since he is leaving, I have taken over.

High Urban Trekkers...

Yep, that is the name of my organization.  Pretty nifty eh?  I think so.  I abbreviate it as "HUT."  HA!  I take people all over Delhi and I tell them about the history of it.  We visit certain sites and I'll show them around and tell about who ruled what and what this is...and why this is here..blah blah blah.  It's super interesting.  Many people don't know, but there are actually a lot of sites around Delhi.  Delhi is full of history.  There are many sites to see, it's INSANE.  

Many of the historic sites and monuments are tucked away in neighborhoods, so it's very hard to find them.  I actually have a website.  It's not published yet, but it will be published soon, so I'll post it on my blog later so you can check that out.  Connor and I had a website created, but I made that when I was small and childish. ;) I'm more mature yes.  I recreated a website and will be publishing that look forward to that.  Thanks.

P.S.  You'll notice on my side bar thing (to the right), there is a thing that says "follow me on twitter" or something.  So, if you have twitter you should follow me.  Hahaha. 

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Muse - Absolution

So, like recently I got some money.  Like a lot.  So, I bought this album.  It rocks.  It's called Absolution.  It's by Muse.  Muse is a British rock band...and I muse say that they sound pretty amazing.  It's a three person band.  The band consists of Matthew Bellamy (Lead vocals, guitar, piano), Christopher Wolstenholme (Bass, backing vocals), and Dominic Howard (drums, percussion).  Christopher's last name is weird.  I wonder how you pronounce that.  Hahaha.  Anyways, they rock.  They're British, you kinda expect them to own at life, ya know?  I think I'm obsessed with British's weird.  Like the other day, I was like Coldplay is such a good band.  Then I found out they were British and was like OF COURSE THEY'RE GREAT.  Hahahaha.  I bought the album on Amazon for $6 dollars.  There are 15 songs on the album, so I gotta say that is not a bad deal.  Yeah, you can buy mp3 albums on Amazon if you didn't know.  Most times they are much cheaper there then on iTunes.  Yeah, good thing to know.  Unluckily, you can only download the music if you are in the U.S.  There is a thing though called Hotspot shield, which lets you get around that.  I'm not sure, because I don't use it.  Connor does, so that's how I get the music.  Yep...I'll give you an overview of the music.  10 is the highest rating given, 0 is the lowest.  Honestly you should probably buy the album now and stop wasting your time reading this.  I mean come on, 6 bucks that's it.  So, stop reading this right now and BUY IT.  If that does not convince you then read this rest of this blog post...When you read it '-' these things are not minus symbols...they are just....yeah.  Just good thing to keep in mind when you read the bottom.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Wow....really? HOW COULD YOU?

Today I got called Connor by my Pastor...AGAIN.  Wait.  STOP!  If you don't know what I'm talking about click here.  Yes, really...he did.  I was so happy, because he had been getting my name right for so long.  I can't believe he slipped up!  I was LIKE NOOOO!  Ahhhhh!  HOW COME?  Why is life so difficult?  Why can't people remember a simple name.  CLAYTON.  It's not that hard to remember.  I guess I'm just another person in the crowd to my pastor.  Oh well.  But, no really.  It's not that hard to remember.


See?  It's not that difficult.

So, yeah.  I can't believe it happened.  I wanted to call him Pastor Joey, but I refrained.  TAKE THAT KARL!  Hahaha.  You know I've been thinking...what if the Pastor read my blog?  What if that random kid in my last post read my blog?  What if they are reading it right NOW?  What would they think?  Would they care?  Would they confront me and be like, 'You are such a jerk.   How can you live with yourself.'  That would be scary.  Especially if the Pastor talked to me about my blog.   Hahaha.