Wednesday, December 23, 2009

i'm dreaming of a white christmas...

Key word in the title? dreaming. Do you know what that means? It means that not even in a thousand years will it happen. It will never snow in Delhi people, so stop dreaming and start living. Hahahaha. Yeah sometimes I can be a downer about some things…sorry guys get over it.

Anyways, I haven’t posted in a while, because I’ve been pretty sick, but I’m finally recovering! And I’m so excited about Christmas. CHRISTMAS IS AWESOME! You get cookies and presents and yeah! It’s just so joyful. Yeah, it’s great. And then after Christmas all the cool kids brag about their awesome presents. Hahaha. It’s funny really. Sugar cookies are awesome. I think my favorite sugar cookie cut-out has to be the bell. It’s just so joyful and big! It’s a big bell…not small…BIG. When I eat it I try to imagine thousands of bells ringing on Christmas day…it’s wonderful.

So, for this Christmas a family is coming to stay with us…they have 3 little kids. The kids are getting bikes for Christmas. So, it’ll be crazy at our house. Their gonna be so excited! Yep, it should be a good Christmas! I love wearing my red pants and an awesome Christmas hat..that lights up! YAH BOI! Hahaha. Anyways, I’m really excited! Christmas is the most wonderful time….OF THE YEAARRRRR! The most happiest time!! Yeahhh!

Well…that’s it people. Have a holly jolly Christmas
Best wishes,