Friday, February 12, 2010

...but you can call me Clayton


I had fun today.

Today I was at youth alive! I guess most of my readers know what that is, but if you don’t please keep reading. Youth Alive is usually every other Friday night and is a place where the youth gather and have fun. First we play some games, which I normally lead, unless I’m absent or sick. Than we sing songs, then we hear someone talk about stuff…you know like God and yeah! After that we go to the mall and hang out. There’s a Cinnabon at the mall, but I haven’t eaten there in a while because when I do I feel bad because I feel like a glutton. Yeah, I just feel terrible. Hahaha. It’s good though, truly is.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hello. I do not like American Idol any more. I do not like it because Paula is gone. And I am sad. :( And then Simon is going to leave soon and the show will fall apart. So, I’m just walking away now. Yep. That is all I have to say.

I am sitting at the round table while hearing the singing of American Idol in the background. Mandy was saying that I should try to incorporate the music into my blog. I thought it would be hard…and I’m not sure how I do this. I guess I could try. I probably won’t though. SO yeah!:P I tried. It’s too hard. I give up. I don’t know how I can incorporate man flowers into my blog. It’s just…yeah. No, it’s not happening. Hahaha.

Hey! I have a question! What is your favorite flower? Leave a comment…(this is my way to get people to…umm…comment more!:D)

So…what else is there to talk about? Well…I played Frisbee today! That was great FUN! I was very excited about that. And on Thursday I made hot kool-aid! It was so gross. It was so strong and it was just…wow. Yeah. Wayy TOO STRONG. And I watched the last matrix with John and Connor! Isn’t that amazing? Yeah, I love the matrix. It’s great. Very…deep and mind boggling..and yeah.

Yes…this is all I have to say. It’s not much, but it’s enough. And that’s what counts. I hope you read my blog. Thankyou. Hahaha.

Yours truly,
Clayton High