Saturday, October 31, 2009


Friurday...yes. Friday and Saturday combined.

So, I guess some people have been waiting eagerly for my next blog post. yeah, I dont know.

Friurday sounds like frier day. haha. That would be cool if friday and saturday was like some super cool holiday where all the fryers in the whole world fried stuff. yeah, I dont know. I guess the holiday would get annoying though. Every week friers fried stuff. Wow.
Anyways, happy halloween people. Let's go dress up like demons. That's great guys. Real Christian. hahaha, jokes. I dont hate halloween or anything. It's fine. I didn't celebrate or anything today though. If I did celebrate though I was going to be a green ninja. LIKE REALLY! hahahaha. yeah.

Anyways, this is it.

So on Friday there was homeschool group day. Before I continue I want to define "homeschool group" because I do not think all my readers know what that means.

The definiton of homeschool group:
Designed for parents so that they can send their kids to a place where all homeschoolers can congregate and socialize in a safe enviroment because most homeschoolers are very shy, eccentric, and do not get to socialize with kids their age very much.

Basically homeschool group was made so homecshooler could socialize more.
I mean really, it's weird. And Connor, I and this super small Australian dude(his name is Josh) are in charge. So... it's pretty funny. hahaha. Anyways, Friday was like fitness day or whatever. Where we did tests on the kids to see how many pushups they could do, etc. So, yeah, I was too lazy to participate. Haha, it was great. At the end we had a mile run which I ran in a bit but then dropped out. Connor ran the whole mile in jeans so that was pretty funny. He had the fastest time as well. 5 something. yeah. haha. so yes, continuing. After we had homeschool group Mandy, Daniel, Connor and I watched This Is It: Michael Jackson. The movie was VERY good. It was pretty funny too. After the movie we got all the music from Mandy. At the movie I saw the trailer for 2012 and it looks very good. I love those kind of movies where the whole planet is destroyed and stuff. So, yeah, I can't wait to watch it.

On Saturday I got some coffee beans and then went to Ultimate Frisbee. I gave the beans to mandy so she could grind them and get them back to me. Ultimate was lots of fun. I didn't do anything super super cool but it was still awesome. hahaha. Afterwards we went to a friend's house. Her name is MATTI. yeah. She had made a cake for us and she said it was purple but it wasn' was brown. I guess she's color blind or something. I dont know. ahhahaa. Then we watched Charlie Brown and the Pumkpin Patch. After that we played this silly game then went back home. Yep... I just thought you guys would be interested in my Friurday. hahahahaa.


1 comment:

  1. yes! as always...i'm interested! also am presently contemplating whether a life-sized cut out of you placed in the back of the gym would be better than a very large yellow sign... hmmm. i'll get back to you on that. :)
