Friday, September 10, 2010

Pavement Patty - 'I hate my life' moment...

Hello! I found this pretty hilarious...

First read this this - (You'll have to copy it and drag it into internet explorer or firefox...whatever you use....)

Second read this -

Hahaha! Wow, stupid silly Canadians. I thought that article was so funny. The thing I'm worried about the most though is what's gonna happen when the drivers get used to these pavement patties and just ignore them. Someday a driver will be driving and run down an actual child. That's going to be so sad. I don't want to bash these new speed bumps or speed breakers as they call them here, but I'm pretty sure it's a stupid idea and it's going to fail. I also don't want to bash the article too much, because I have some Canadian friends...hahahah, but still. Wow.

Speaking of speed bumps there are a couple in my neighborhood. There's this certain speed bump that no one ever notices. It's like it's invisible or something. No, really...It's crazy! So, whenever I'm chilling out somewhere and I grab an auto to go back to my house I always watch out for it. The first two the auto driver can see, but then the third one I just fly into the air. When we approach it I start to have like a miniature heart attack or something.
"Oh no! Is it the next one..or?" And I'm freaking out and I don't see it (well it's invisible anyway) and I hit my head on some metal bar in the auto. Hahaha. It's just like..."GAHHH EVERY TIMEEEE!! WHYYYYY???" Hahaha. I guess it's just one of those 'I hate my life' moments... :P


Friday, September 3, 2010

Greatest Movie Ever Made. Ever.

What's your favorite movie ever made? Probably some intense action movie right? Bourne Ultimatum? The Dark Knight? Yeah, something on those lines...well I just wanted to tell you about my favorite movie.

The greatest movie ever made - Big Fish. Ever seen it? You need to watch it if you haven't. I sure have been suggesting things these days...first The Weepies now this. Ha.

Anyways, it's a movie about if you like telling stories you'll like it a lot. Or if you have a Dad that tells a lot of stories. :) The movie was directed by Tim Burton, so 'woohoo' for that! Yeah, if you like stories, Ewan McGregor, and Tim Burton you will for sure like this movie. It'll probably have you in tears by the end of it. Wonderful movie. It's amazing. Go watch it right now...and if you own it, well, watch it again!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Weepies

I'm back. And wow, I have been loving it. I listen to music all the time, when I do school, when I'm in it's amazing. I've recently gotten two Weepies albums. They came out with this one with a cow on it. Hahaha. It's so cool. Great music. If you've heard of The Weepies then you probably should get the cow album, or more commonly know as - "Be My Thrill." It's chill and not as depressing as their other albums...they have happier songs. Haha.

If you don't listen or have never heard of The Weepies then I'm sorry your missing out. You need to go and buy all of their albums. Right now! You'll be in tears before the day is over, hence the name... The Weepies... Enjoy! 


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

FLIP, the most fabulous, faithful flip-flops ever...

What you're looking at here is my favorite pair of flip-flops ever. I've worn them everywhere. Unfortunately when you wear flip-flops everywhere they will eventually begin to die. That is what my flip-flops did. Yes, it's sad. It'll all happen to us one day though. So get ready, prepare, and try not to cry. My parents think my flip-flops look ugly, so they are making me get rid of them. Basically my Mum said I could not bring them back to India. I mean that's understandable, they are pretty beat up. It's sad. I'll have to get over it though. While I was here I bought some more flip-flops that I'm going to wear when I get back. I'll have to trod around in them until I get used to them. It may take a while, but what other choice do I have? I'm going to have to give up my old flip-flops. Maybe I don't want to, but I have no choice. I think life is sometimes like flip-flops. Just like I'm giving up these flip-flops and getting new ones, I have to end a chapter of my life here in America and start a new one when I get back home. When I get back to India Connor will not be with me. Yes, it'll be sad and hard to get used to, but I think I will have a good time anyway. I'm sad about leaving my flip-flops here, but I also like my new ones and I can't wait to wear them. Just in this way I'm really excited about life in India, without my brother and a lot of my other senior friends. Delhi is changing a lot, new people are coming, and everything is different. I'm excited to start this new chapter in my life. I believe it's going to be a good one. I think I will do well not only in school, but also in life. And heck, if I ever get super depressed there's always Cinnabon to keep me company/plump. I honestly don't think that will happen though. Haha.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lily & Dad

So, the big thing in our life since we've been in America has been Connor's car. We pretty much bought it straight out in the beginning. Like our second day in the States or something. Connor got a Toyota Camry, 2001. It's a nice tan color with a spoiler and a sun roof. So pretty sweet car. Also it has nice speakers. Connor and I have had our share of driving the car around America. We've driven it all over. Connor still hasn't given it a name, but maybe he'll name it soon. Along with the awesome car Connor got, he got an iPhone 4. That thing is so cool. It can do like everything. So, he bought a gps for his iPhone.

We tried it out the first day we got it. You have a choice to either choose a man's voice or a woman's voice. Of course we chose a woman's. Hahaha. We eventually settled on the name "Lily". It has a nice jolly ring to it I guess. Whatever, it's a nice fit and everything. Sometimes when we go places though we can't decide wether we want to use Lily, the map, or our own brains. Sometimes we use all three and get confused. Lily will say go one way, but the map will say another...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

just an update...

Hey! Yeah, sorry guys, obviously I haven’t been writing much. And it’s not because I’ve been busy. I’ve been anything but busy. That’s sad because that means I really haven’t found anything fun to do in America.  I’ve had in America and all, but I’ve had a lot of free time. I guess I should have used some of that to blog, but NO! I HAVNE”T! GOSH! I feel like every time I post something I start saying sorry to the audience, because I like haven’t written at all. I’ve spent a lot of my free time reading. That’s been enjoyable. Anyways, with all the free time I’ve been pretty bored, like when I’m not reading.

I began to miss India a lot. I know the US is a good break and all, but sometimes I don’t want a break. Right now what I really is to fall back into my normal routine in India. Wednesday night Kareoke, Saturdays are Frisbee days and some times even DDR days…and then Tuesday night of course, and then going to the mall all the time, cause I’m a mall rat. Woohoo’s, TGI Fridays, The Theatre, Coffee Bean, Youth Alive. Yeah, I miss all of that. I also miss my friends, of course, although a lot of them are also in the States. I’m not complaining. Just sayin’ I miss it a lot.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

mac pictures...

I am now in Oklahoma! If you care. ha.

Yep, drove up here about 4 days ago. I drove halfway and Connor drove halfway. I tried to get cruise control to work in Connor's car, but couldn't figure it out. ahhh. oh well. anyways, something awesome arrived in the mail today that I should share with you. My Dad and I got our new camera and stand! YES! it's so cool. It's a Canon EOS T2i. It's awesome, it even has video! Oh, and the video is super nice. It's like HD. So, i read the most of the manual today to try and figure out how to operate it. So, I was experimenting with the camera and I thought, What is something good to photograph?. That's when I saw my beautiful new mac sitting right there and I was like, "yep, that's it." So, I took some pictures of my mac and I figure you guys may want to see what it looks like anyways, so yeah...check out some of the pictures below. :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

a beautiful mac...

Soooo...i've been having a great time in America.  We took a flight from London to Dallas.  It was a really long flight. Ten stinkin' hours.  So, that was quite a pain.  The ipod I had on the trip was really lame, so it ran out of battery in like 3 hours.  I was like, "Ahhhhhh!!!  What do I do now??!?!?!?"  So, I laid around and watched the tv screen.  It was sad though, because we didn't get our own personal tv sets.  Like the ones that are attached to the chair in front of you.  That was disappointing, but they showed some alright things.  There was Invictus playing, but I did not feel like watching it.  They also played this other movie that I watched and it was super LAME.  It was soooo stupid.  Hahaha.  They had the office though, so I was happy with that. :D  It was a nice flight though.  We had seat number 10, so plenty of leg room.  We got in to the airport and my Aunt picked us up.  We went to their house and saw our cousins and stuff...I was very tired though.  To keep us awake we went and ate snocones at like 10:00.  That was fun.  It's been like 2 years since I've had one of those.  Nice break.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

O America, America, America...

Hi, so I haven't blogged in a while.  I guess.  I'm not sure.  Anyways, I just wanted to say that I am sorry for not keeping this blog updated.  I've just been busy...well if you call watching Lost, going to movies, and eating low budget Chinese then YES I have been busy.  Hahahahhaa.  I'm going to America VERY soon.  I leave on the 20th, so that's like what...4 days?  Something like that.  We leave early Sunday morning.  Before going to America though we are going to stop by Ireland and the UK for vacation.  I AM SUPER EXCITED ABOUT THAT!!!! :D  I've always wanted to go to the UK.  I can't wait!  I feel like I could have made this blog post longer, but it's summer so...umm yeah?  I bet you guys have other things to do then read this blog anyways. 


Thursday, May 27, 2010

High Urban Trekkers

So, I haven't been able to update this blog in a while.  I am so sorry, but that is okay, BECAUSE...TODAY!...i finished school.  And it feels so good to be done.  I feel like I could do anything I want to.  I guess that's because I can.  What a great feeling.  Hahahaha.  I haven't talked about this on my blog, but I actually have an organization.  Connor and I have been running it a while, but since he is leaving, I have taken over.

High Urban Trekkers...

Yep, that is the name of my organization.  Pretty nifty eh?  I think so.  I abbreviate it as "HUT."  HA!  I take people all over Delhi and I tell them about the history of it.  We visit certain sites and I'll show them around and tell about who ruled what and what this is...and why this is here..blah blah blah.  It's super interesting.  Many people don't know, but there are actually a lot of sites around Delhi.  Delhi is full of history.  There are many sites to see, it's INSANE.  

Many of the historic sites and monuments are tucked away in neighborhoods, so it's very hard to find them.  I actually have a website.  It's not published yet, but it will be published soon, so I'll post it on my blog later so you can check that out.  Connor and I had a website created, but I made that when I was small and childish. ;) I'm more mature yes.  I recreated a website and will be publishing that look forward to that.  Thanks.

P.S.  You'll notice on my side bar thing (to the right), there is a thing that says "follow me on twitter" or something.  So, if you have twitter you should follow me.  Hahaha. 

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Muse - Absolution

So, like recently I got some money.  Like a lot.  So, I bought this album.  It rocks.  It's called Absolution.  It's by Muse.  Muse is a British rock band...and I muse say that they sound pretty amazing.  It's a three person band.  The band consists of Matthew Bellamy (Lead vocals, guitar, piano), Christopher Wolstenholme (Bass, backing vocals), and Dominic Howard (drums, percussion).  Christopher's last name is weird.  I wonder how you pronounce that.  Hahaha.  Anyways, they rock.  They're British, you kinda expect them to own at life, ya know?  I think I'm obsessed with British's weird.  Like the other day, I was like Coldplay is such a good band.  Then I found out they were British and was like OF COURSE THEY'RE GREAT.  Hahahaha.  I bought the album on Amazon for $6 dollars.  There are 15 songs on the album, so I gotta say that is not a bad deal.  Yeah, you can buy mp3 albums on Amazon if you didn't know.  Most times they are much cheaper there then on iTunes.  Yeah, good thing to know.  Unluckily, you can only download the music if you are in the U.S.  There is a thing though called Hotspot shield, which lets you get around that.  I'm not sure, because I don't use it.  Connor does, so that's how I get the music.  Yep...I'll give you an overview of the music.  10 is the highest rating given, 0 is the lowest.  Honestly you should probably buy the album now and stop wasting your time reading this.  I mean come on, 6 bucks that's it.  So, stop reading this right now and BUY IT.  If that does not convince you then read this rest of this blog post...When you read it '-' these things are not minus symbols...they are just....yeah.  Just good thing to keep in mind when you read the bottom.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Wow....really? HOW COULD YOU?

Today I got called Connor by my Pastor...AGAIN.  Wait.  STOP!  If you don't know what I'm talking about click here.  Yes, really...he did.  I was so happy, because he had been getting my name right for so long.  I can't believe he slipped up!  I was LIKE NOOOO!  Ahhhhh!  HOW COME?  Why is life so difficult?  Why can't people remember a simple name.  CLAYTON.  It's not that hard to remember.  I guess I'm just another person in the crowd to my pastor.  Oh well.  But, no really.  It's not that hard to remember.


See?  It's not that difficult.

So, yeah.  I can't believe it happened.  I wanted to call him Pastor Joey, but I refrained.  TAKE THAT KARL!  Hahaha.  You know I've been thinking...what if the Pastor read my blog?  What if that random kid in my last post read my blog?  What if they are reading it right NOW?  What would they think?  Would they care?  Would they confront me and be like, 'You are such a jerk.   How can you live with yourself.'  That would be scary.  Especially if the Pastor talked to me about my blog.   Hahaha.  


Thursday, April 29, 2010


You're probably wondering...."Who is Chris Pfeiffer?"  Well...Chris Pfeiffer is a beast.  He is a world stunt biking champion!  He's a German fellow who is a real nice guy.  He's on tour in India.  About a week ago I saw this article in a magazine saying that he's going to be doing stunts at DLF Place, Saket in a week.  DLF is a mall, so I was like YEAH!  I really want to see this.  I was super excited and finally I got to go.  So, yep!  I went with my parents and a bunch of my friends.  IT WAS GREAT!  We had a blast.  We were all sitting around waiting for the performance.  So we decided to take a group picture...

[left to right] Connor, Elijah, Chris, Clayton, Micah, Caleb, Daniel, Joseph, and kid I've never met before(AWKWORD)  Danielle was there too she's just camera scared or something.  Hahaha.  She took the photo.

thoughts-a-running through my head

I have been up to a lot lately.  I recently got back from Rishikesh as you guys probably already know.  If you haven't seen the pictures check them out here.  I had a ton of fun rafting and hanging out with my friends.  It was very relaxing and I needed a nice break. 

Besides Rishikesh other things have happened.  The Senior Banquet is coming up.  We're still not sure how many seniors are coming or what's going to happen.  The problem is that it's May 7th and they want me to make a slideshow of all of the senior's pictures.  All of this stuff is pretty pressurizing.  If I manage to get all of the senior's pics by Friday I can make a powerpoint with the help of maybe other youth and my family.  It should be long as "alright" music is chosen to accompany the pictures.  Hopefully it's not country.  STUPID country music.  Hahaha.  There are still some arrangments being made on the Banquet and then we're all ready to go. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Goa...was awesome.

Goa was great.  I had a great time.  I'm not going to get into details, but it was great.  The beach was so AMAZING.  I got some great pictures of it.  It was nice.  It was really windy and super humid.  I always sweating and my hair was always curly.  Hahaha.  They had a pool where we stayed though so that was nice.  The little kids took tests while the teens did a book study.  We read a book called "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan.  It's a great book.  I think you should read it.  While we were at Goa we sang Kareoke.  It was AWESOME.  I'll probably post a video get ready.  :)

And now it's time for another slideshow....yahhhhhh!!!....

News of the day...I will not be posting any more albums on facebook.  All of my albums are going to be on Picassa now.  I'll probably link the picassa pictures to facebook if it's a really nice album.  

In two days I am going to Rishakesh.  I am so excited.  We're going to go rafting there.  Rishakesh is located at the foot of the mountains here in India.  I am really excited.  You'll probably see some great photos from that trip.  

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Old Delhi + Red Fort

Hey guys (again)...two blog posts in one day.  crazy. crazy. CRAAZYY. AHHHH.  Yeah.  So, yesterday morning I went to Old Delhi.  Old Delhi is a crazy place with crazy little lanes, that are super crowded.  It's quite a lot of fun though!  You get to see what Delhi is really like.  At times it can be a bit overwhelming, but again, it's fun.  It's a nice place to get good pictures to post on your blog.  :P 

Infact I took like a lot of photos when I went.  We left and took the bus.  My Mum and I were taking some of our friends there who have not been in Delhi for that long.  It was good.  It's quite a bit ways out, but the bus is super cheap.  We were planning to meet some people there, but they were late so we decided to visit the Red Fort.  The Red Fort is red and yesterday was my very first visit.  It costs like 5 bucks to get in but it looks cool. 

It was really big and red.  You walk in and there's this guy with a gun in this little thing cage thingy for proteciton.  I was like what the heck?  I guess they get a lot of attacks or something...hahah joking.  I was scared of taking a picture of him, but I think I finally did. 

Hard-Hat search & Cookies

Hello people!  I've been up to a lot i'll feel you in!  I meant to blog yesterday, but as I've said I have been super busy.

So, we are leaving to Goa tomorrow for a conference there.  It's a homeschool conference, so my Mum wants us to go and represent.  Haha.  I am really looking forward to it.  TOMORROW! yahhhhh!  It's gonna be awesome.  So, anyways, at the conference one night we have to dress up as a character from a book.  Connor chose his Driver Texas Manual book.  There's actually not a character from that book, but a while ago I made up one called "Safety Sam".  So, my brother took that name and now he is gonna use it for the conference.  For his character he decided he needed to find a hard hat.

Mandy had told us where to get one, so we called up Coy just because we knew he would love to come along.  Our first attempt happened on Thursday.  We left in the afternoon sometime, and finally got there.  When we were heading the right direction, Connor decided he needed to get out, cause he needed to practice music.  It was kinda funny, just him hopping out.  But yeah.  So, the auto continued and we finally got to the market where the hard helmet store was.  We searched the whole market for about an hour and a half.  We asked a lot of people.  Finally, we asked someone who knew where it was.  We finally found it, but it was closed.  It was sad.  Across the street was a cafe coffee day, so Coy and I were like oh, okay.  We'll just go there.  Haha.  So, we hung out there a bit drinking coffee and playing this silly game.  There on our table was a piece of paper that had like cricket stuff on it.  you had to spot 20 differences between two pictures and find 12 cricket terms in one of those wordy things.  We only found 10 words, but we got all of the differences.  The next day we went around noon.  This time Connor was with us.  We got there and it was closed.  We were SO sad.  We went across the street again and had coffee.  Connor spotted the other two cricket terms we were so happy that we found them all.

That night was youth and I had a great plan, which involved cookies.  Everyone would put a cookie on their head and try to get the cookie in their mouth without using their hands or arms.  It was so funny to watch.  I got some great footage of the amazing game.  Check it out below...

Hahaha.  Anyways, that game went well.  Quite well.

There was a lot of stuff we did on Saturday...but, i'm kind of lazy.  and a little tired of maybe I'll do that later.  GOA TOMORROW! yay.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

what an eggcellent day it was today...

Hello everyone!  Happy Easter!  What a great day it is today.  Thank you Jesus for doing so much for us.  :)  Today I had an eggcellent time at church.  There were two powerpoints, so it was pretty crazy.  I did one and my friend, Chris, did the other.  It was awesome.  It went mistakes <--- (of course...)

I also had a lot of fun around the house today besides having an eggcellent day at church.  Mandy came over and we had eggs in tortillas for lunch.  It was awesome!  We were all's easter let's have eggs for lunch ya know?  So, that happened.  Afterwards, Coy came over and we played spades.  The teams were Coy and Mandy vs. Clayton and Connor.  Also known as Team Humble vs. The Sons of Thunder.  It was quite an intense game.  Wow, lemme tell you.  Crazy.  Of course The Sons of Thunder won, finally breaking Mandy and Coy's winning streak.  They lost for the first time today!  Stupid Team Humble.  Go SONS OF THUNDER! YAHHHH!  The whole time I was boiling eggs.  That's when Coy left.  He seemed pretty sad about his loss, but that's okay.  He's humble.  :D  When Coy left we decided to pull out the eggs and start decorating them!  We were wishing Coy could stay and join us, but he had to go.  Ohwell. 

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hippo say 'don't go hungry.'

Hello, hello, Hellllooo! :) 

I am chilling out here at my round table drinking some coffee and about to eat some hippo snacks.  Hippo snacks are this sorta new thing in India.  They taste like croutons and they have the most strangest flavors.  All of my friends have tried them and said they taste weird...BUT ITS A LIE!  They taste awesome...I've had only one falvor so far - Italian Pizza.

Whoops, it's upside-down.  Ohwell, that's your problem.  You can solve this problem by either turning your computer upsidedown or doing a hand stand.  Yeah...sorry guys. 

 I would be eating them right now, but I don't want to get crumbs all over the keyboard.  The bag calls them "baked munchies."  Hahahhaa.  The best part about these munchies is reading the back.  On the bag there is a hippo and on the back he tells you why you need to eat these baked munchies.
This is what it says...

me hippo.
Hippo makes lots of hippo delicious baked munchies for eveyrone.

Hippo feel bad you work, work, work
and not eat on time.  HIppo like you
keep Hippo munchies handy.

Look hippo care for you.  Hippo say,
'don't go hungry.'

Hippo think hungry peopel less
happy.  Hungry people more fight.

HIppo believe world will be better place if nobody hungry.
So, Hippo try."

It's hilarious.  Everytime I buy a bag of hippo snacks I always read the back (outloud).  It is so funny.  I have a small pack right now, but with a big pack it's even more hilarious.  more hilarious is not correct grammar, but I will still use it in this case.  The hippo talks about how since you have a big pack you should share and make everyone happy.  Erin Tabor once saw a truck that was talking about how India no have naitonal snack so hippo give you this.  She texted me what it said and I was like YES!  GO hippo. all the way.  I have yet to see a hippo truck, but I can't wait.  Anyways...hippo munchies are the stop reading my blog...get off your bottom...and go outside and go buy some hippo snacks...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Crystal Bowersox

So yeah...I don't really watch Idol.  You've probably read that in some of my earlier posts, but I like Crystal.  She's the girl with the awesome dreads and has the kid.  Yeah, she is a beast.  she also plays the guitar and the hamaronica.  and she even has the name of her kid TATTOOED on her.  i'm not sure where, but STILL.  I think if I ever have a kid i'll tattoo his name on me.  Actually I dont think I will that would be a little weird.

Right now this other girl is singing andd shes doing really bad.  poor person. she'll probably lose.  ohwell.  That's life right?  hahahaha.

Hey!  Today was youth.  I led games.  It went really well.  I did this strange game where people ran everywhere pulling other people up from their sitting position.  It's a kinda odd game, but it went well and it was fun. 

Monday, March 15, 2010

dehradun...think i spelled that right..ha

Hello friends.  I am sitting at coffee bean sending in emails for school and stuff.  Yes, we still do not have internet.  It's pretty sad.  My computer crashed recently, so it's been quite lame for school.  I've had to move all my school over to other computers and work on there.  So, it has been quite difficult for me.  I am surviving though.

Last week we were in Dehradun.  Our parents were there, speaking at conferences and Connor and I were in some kid's camp there.  It was pretty good.  It was nice, because the weather was cooler, because we were in the mountains.  The nights were cold the days weren't as hot as they are in Delhi, so quite enjoyable!  There were volunteers helping the kids from Hong Kong.  They were pretty awesome.  Unfortunately their English was not the greatest, but that made it all the more funnier!  hahaha.  It was pretty great, because whenever they said "play" it sounded a lot like "pray".  So, when they said it we were like all bowing our heads and stuff...then it's like ohhhh...This is awkword.  you said play....not pray.  Why would you say pray anyways?  Hahaha.  So, yes it was really funny.  I enjoyed it a lot actually.

Monday, March 1, 2010

A Holi Eagle that Moved

Hi, guys! A lot has happened recently since my last post. LIKE A LOT. Hahaa. We moved to a new house. So, that was a pretty crazy time. The moving killed my school, so now I’m a bit behind, but that’s okay. We didn’t move far. We live very close to our old house and we also brought our round dining room table. So no worries.

Our new house doesn’t have internet yet, so we have to go to our old house, which has internet, if we want to download school things, check mail, or go on facebook. Unfortunately Holi(Don't have a clue what I'm talking about?  Click here) has come, which has made it harder to go to our old house. Every time we need to download something we have to walk by a lot of houses which may have people on their roofs throwing colored balloons at you. Another problem we have is that when we moved we left a lot of our old gross shirts behind, so when we go out of the house we are like, “Where’s a dirty shirt I can wear? AHHHHHH!”

I haven’t been out of the house much. I mainly just stay inside and cower in a corner, but today I needed to go out. I am at my old house now, because I need to download Adobe for school and also some classes. And today is Holi, so that is quite unfortunate. Luckily I left in the morning, so there wasn’t anybody out yet. Things will definitely start to heat up as the day goes on though.

Also, my Eagle Ceremony is on Wednesday! WEDNESDAY! That is pretty close by. I have officially become an Eagle Scout, if you didn’t know already…So yeah, that will be a pretty big event. A lot of people are coming and I have to stand up in front of them dressed up and stuff. Hahahaha. There will definlty be pictures I’m guessing.

Anyways, that’s it guys!

Friday, February 12, 2010

...but you can call me Clayton


I had fun today.

Today I was at youth alive! I guess most of my readers know what that is, but if you don’t please keep reading. Youth Alive is usually every other Friday night and is a place where the youth gather and have fun. First we play some games, which I normally lead, unless I’m absent or sick. Than we sing songs, then we hear someone talk about stuff…you know like God and yeah! After that we go to the mall and hang out. There’s a Cinnabon at the mall, but I haven’t eaten there in a while because when I do I feel bad because I feel like a glutton. Yeah, I just feel terrible. Hahaha. It’s good though, truly is.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hello. I do not like American Idol any more. I do not like it because Paula is gone. And I am sad. :( And then Simon is going to leave soon and the show will fall apart. So, I’m just walking away now. Yep. That is all I have to say.

I am sitting at the round table while hearing the singing of American Idol in the background. Mandy was saying that I should try to incorporate the music into my blog. I thought it would be hard…and I’m not sure how I do this. I guess I could try. I probably won’t though. SO yeah!:P I tried. It’s too hard. I give up. I don’t know how I can incorporate man flowers into my blog. It’s just…yeah. No, it’s not happening. Hahaha.

Hey! I have a question! What is your favorite flower? Leave a comment…(this is my way to get people to…umm…comment more!:D)

So…what else is there to talk about? Well…I played Frisbee today! That was great FUN! I was very excited about that. And on Thursday I made hot kool-aid! It was so gross. It was so strong and it was just…wow. Yeah. Wayy TOO STRONG. And I watched the last matrix with John and Connor! Isn’t that amazing? Yeah, I love the matrix. It’s great. Very…deep and mind boggling..and yeah.

Yes…this is all I have to say. It’s not much, but it’s enough. And that’s what counts. I hope you read my blog. Thankyou. Hahaha.

Yours truly,
Clayton High

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Origami + other stuff. yep yep.

Hello. SOOOO yeah…I havven’t posted in ages. I know. Don’t be mean to me. It’s just I’ve been busy…Christmas was awesome. I GOT A MAN BAG! And rootbeer shampoo and a lot of cool stuff. I had a great time! Quite fun, quite fun. And the new year was awesome too. I jumped in 2009 and I landed in 2010. IT WAS SO COOL! And then afterwards all my friends were like I’m the first one to hug this person in 2010 and I’m the first person to get a call in 2010 and I’m the first person that texted you…and yah…haha. IT was so funny. Really great.

So recently our family has been watching Prison Break. And if you haven’t seen Prison Break, you need to watch it. Cause it’s awesome. Anyways, if you’ve seen the first season, you know that Scofield makes a lot of Origami cranes… and he makes flowers for the lady doctors! :D…haha awesome! Anyways, while I was watching I was greatly inspired. Greatly. So, now I have begun to do Origami and wow is it amazing. Yes, folding paper sounds REALLY boring. BUT MAN, it’s awesome! Kudos to Mandy Kellums for being the ultimate supplier of my Origami paper. Just recently she has gotten me REAL origami paper from japan. So yeah. She’s amazing. I salute you. Anyways, so, if I ever get in prison I have decided that I will make roses for the lady doctors, and they will digg me. Ahahahhaha. Yep! So Prison Break is a great show.

New like yeah…the whole month of June I’ve been sick. Coughing off and on the whole month. It’s been very bothersome. But recently I’ve been coughing up blood. IT’s so gross. SO, I went to the doctor today to get it checked out. The doc said I had a weeze, and that the blood must be ffrom coughing too much. I got an xray and they took my blood. The xray was clean, so I didn’t have an infection in my lung so that was good. I was subscribed inhalers though, because the doctor thinks I may have asthma and stuff. But, besides that. Everything is good. Hahaha. Inhalers are awesome. Hahahaha. You like breathe the stuff in and yeah…it’s like magic in this little tube inhaler thing. It’s…yeah…fun. Haahhahahaha.

Anyways. That’s it. I hope to post more soon, and maybe more often? Yeah. Whatever.
Clay-tone High