Friday, September 3, 2010

Greatest Movie Ever Made. Ever.

What's your favorite movie ever made? Probably some intense action movie right? Bourne Ultimatum? The Dark Knight? Yeah, something on those lines...well I just wanted to tell you about my favorite movie.

The greatest movie ever made - Big Fish. Ever seen it? You need to watch it if you haven't. I sure have been suggesting things these days...first The Weepies now this. Ha.

Anyways, it's a movie about if you like telling stories you'll like it a lot. Or if you have a Dad that tells a lot of stories. :) The movie was directed by Tim Burton, so 'woohoo' for that! Yeah, if you like stories, Ewan McGregor, and Tim Burton you will for sure like this movie. It'll probably have you in tears by the end of it. Wonderful movie. It's amazing. Go watch it right now...and if you own it, well, watch it again!



  1. I love Big Fish! And The Weepies! You have good taste, sir! Hope all is well!


  2. I watched the Big Fish so long ago and only remember it being really sad. i wouldn't mind watching it again!

    my favorite movie was Crash because it was the first time I actually realized how different our cultures are and our stereotypes of each others' cultures. interesting! oh and vantage point was cool too!
