Friday, September 10, 2010

Pavement Patty - 'I hate my life' moment...

Hello! I found this pretty hilarious...

First read this this - (You'll have to copy it and drag it into internet explorer or firefox...whatever you use....)

Second read this -

Hahaha! Wow, stupid silly Canadians. I thought that article was so funny. The thing I'm worried about the most though is what's gonna happen when the drivers get used to these pavement patties and just ignore them. Someday a driver will be driving and run down an actual child. That's going to be so sad. I don't want to bash these new speed bumps or speed breakers as they call them here, but I'm pretty sure it's a stupid idea and it's going to fail. I also don't want to bash the article too much, because I have some Canadian friends...hahahah, but still. Wow.

Speaking of speed bumps there are a couple in my neighborhood. There's this certain speed bump that no one ever notices. It's like it's invisible or something. No, really...It's crazy! So, whenever I'm chilling out somewhere and I grab an auto to go back to my house I always watch out for it. The first two the auto driver can see, but then the third one I just fly into the air. When we approach it I start to have like a miniature heart attack or something.
"Oh no! Is it the next one..or?" And I'm freaking out and I don't see it (well it's invisible anyway) and I hit my head on some metal bar in the auto. Hahaha. It's just like..."GAHHH EVERY TIMEEEE!! WHYYYYY???" Hahaha. I guess it's just one of those 'I hate my life' moments... :P


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